Nyepi is the Balinese New Year. It is falling on the 1st day of 10th month of Sasih calendar. Usually falls on March or April of international calendar.
It is a day of silence and self reflection. All offices and schools are closed. Everyone will stay home for 24 hours, discourage all kind of activities involve electricity. In some villages, they even shut down the power of the entire village.
We should also fast for the day, but some of us don't practice it. It’s too difficult when hunger strike!
In some villages, they even shut down the power of the entire village.
Probably this is the only day which the entire island is quiet. Even in the south.
Bali has 2 types of calendar system.
Sasih is lunar calendar, based on the time taken by the moon to rotate around the earth. 12 cycles equals 1 year for Sasih.
Wuku is calendar base on week. There are 30 weeks in one cycle (Balinese: Oton). 2 oton equals one year. 1 oton has 210 days. So there is 420 day a year.
Balinese calendar system is used for religious purposes like to know auspicious days for farming, temple ceremonies, birthday ceremonies, and other religious and non-religious activities.
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